nt, and subconsciously started the idea of ??the main star above the sea of ??thoughts. The main stars of the nine directions changed and calculated, causing the star array behind him to move continuously. There is a general magic method in Junzi’s Dou Shu, called “calculation”, which uses the changes in the stars to calculate the laws of all things in the world. If you have advanced skills, you can calculate the great roads in the world. With his mind fixed on the vast star array, Zhou Jijun raised his brows as the light and shadow changed, but he vaguely saw the secret method that allowed the Taoist will and Taoist power to blend together.

nt, and subconsciously started the idea of ??the main star above the sea of ??thoughts. The main stars of the nine directions changed and calculated, Continue Reading

I wake up.

I wake up. Bailixiong gave a bitter smile, and glanced at the mocking Wu Jun, Bai Jiajun and royal army with his peripheral vision, pursed Continue Reading