nt, and subconsciously started the idea of ??the main star above the sea of ??thoughts. The main stars of the nine directions changed and calculated, causing the star array behind him to move continuously. There is a general magic method in Junzi’s Dou Shu, called “calculation”, which uses the changes in the stars to calculate the laws of all things in the world. If you have advanced skills, you can calculate the great roads in the world. With his mind fixed on the vast star array, Zhou Jijun raised his brows as the light and shadow changed, but he vaguely saw the secret method that allowed the Taoist will and Taoist power to blend together.

nt, and subconsciously started the idea of ??the main star above the sea of ??thoughts. The main stars of the nine directions changed and calculated, causing the star array behind him to move continuously. There is a general magic method in Junzi’s Dou Shu, called “calculation”, which uses the changes in the stars to calculate the laws of all things in the world. If you have advanced skills, you can calculate the great roads in the world. With his mind fixed on the vast star array, Zhou Jijun raised his brows as the light and shadow changed, but he vaguely saw the secret method that allowed the Taoist will and Taoist power to blend together.
“The meaning of Tao is a spiritual thing, while the power of Tao is a dead thing. Although the two belong to the same category, they are incompatible because there is no bridge between them to connect them.”
Zhou Jijun murmured to himself, his thoughts wandering up and down the sky in his body, and his frown slowly relaxed.
/“But you can try it.”
Thinking in his heart, Zhou Jijun no longer hesitated, and shot out a nine-foot-long light from his eyes, shooting a big hole through the wooden case in the tent, but Yue Rakshasa was shocked.
A strong wind suddenly rose above the calm sea of ??thoughts, and the water surged like a tidal wave. After a moment, three thousand unrefined thoughts were like meteors, flying down from the upper dantian and shooting towards the big whirlpool in the sky. These unrefined thoughts are spiritual things that can be gathered on Zhou Jijun’s sea of ??thoughts for several years. They have not been used for many years and have vaguely given birth to some death energy. However, they can be used to connect channel power and Dao intention. bridge.
In an instant, three thousand thoughts were lined up in the big whirlpool. Dao power and Dao intention poured into the thoughts. The three thousand thoughts gradually expanded, and in the blink of an eye, they were like big bubbles floating in the sky.
Seeing that Dao power and Dao intention were absorbed into his thoughts, Zhou Jijun breathed a long sigh of relief, picked up a trace of inner fire and flew towards that vortex. The purple inner fire collided with the crystal clear thought, but it burned violently like it spread into a pan of oil. The next moment, three thousand thoughts burst at the same time. Dao power and Dao intention flowed in the sea of ??fire. Not long after, they gradually merged and turned into a viscous liquid that gathered in the whirlpool.
“Three Dao, if you don’t accept it now, how long will it take!”
Zhou Jijun shouted coldly, and the three snakes came to their senses at the same time. They flew out of the Dao Dan and came to the whirlpool, each using their own power to merge the three Dao into one. The force is collected into the body, and then placed into the Great Zhoutian of the body. Not long after, the new Tao power had circulated for hundreds of weeks. At this time, the Tao power and the Tao intention were no longer distinguishable from each other. These Tao powe

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