y collapsed and was blocked. The vibrations on the ground and the rumbling sounds in the mountain have completely stopped until now. If your guess is correct, all this must be related to the magic cabinet being taken away.

y collapsed and was blocked. The vibrations on the ground and the rumbling sounds in the mountain have completely stopped until now. If your guess is correct, all this must be related to the magic cabinet being taken away.
Liu Gan climbed up along the long sloping stone slab. After feeling the situation above, he stretched out his fist and smashed it. A large amount of soil and snow fell from above, and then a bright light poured down from the place where the willow trunk was smashed open.
Following the bright light, there was also cold air above. There was nuclear energy heating in the underground laboratory, and the temperature was always kept above zero. The cold air coming from it clearly proved that Liu Gan had indeed used his iron fist to smash open the exit. .
After climbing out of the exit, Liu Qian looked around. He was back outside Binghu Town. It seemed to be behind Zhang Laoguan’s restaurant, with a wall in front of him. The exit where everyone is now is sandwiched between the wall of Wang Laoguan’s backyard and the mountain. The way is blocked by the courtyard wall, but it is not in Wang Laoguan’s yard.
There was a small door in the backyard wall of Wang Laoguan’s house. Liu Qian and others walked over and knocked on the door. After a while, no one answered. Just as Liu Gan was considering whether to climb over the courtyard wall and ask Zhang Laoguan to open the door. At that moment, Zhang Laoguan’s daughter Li Ran ran over and opened the door to the backyard wall, looking at the six people outside with a strange look on her face.
“Sister Ran, it’s me. Brother Guo Tian, ??do you still remember me?” Guo Tian quickly approached with a smile on his face.
/“I remember you, Hero Guo! You helped our family fight off the bad guys!” Li Ran recognized Guo Tian and smiled at him.
“Hahahaha, that’s right. I, Daxia Guo, travel everywhere, and I hate bullies the most. As long as I see them, I will definitely draw my sword to help.” Guo Tian suddenly beamed.
“Little sister, can you take us to the restaurant in front? Find us a private room. We want to have a meal here.” Liu Gan walked over and interrupted Guo Tian to ask Li Ran.
“Okay! Why are you here? There seemed to be an earthquake in the back mountain just now. All the people on the street ran out. I was so scared. Fortunately, no houses collapsed and there was no avalanche.” Li Ran looked at it with curiosity. He looked at the crowd and then at the hole in the ground where they had just crawled out.
“Yes! We were drilling holes in the mountains to play! Then there was an earthquake, which almost killed us inside. Fortunately, we escaped quickly and escaped through a hole.” Guo Tian explained to Li Ran sentence.
“Is Guo Daxia a rat? Can you dig holes?” Li Ran covered his mouth and laughed.
“Sister Ran, how do you know? I am a mouse, Gaga, I am a happy little mouse who loves to dig holes. I have drilled many holes, and I can live happily in the holes with my sister Ran.” Guo Tian started dancing. .
“Let’s go! Let’s pick up girls another da

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