one walls of this space. When you walk out of the cave entrance and step on the stone wall, you still feel like you are standing on the stone wall. On the ground, walking on the stone wall, looking up from any angle, the huge magic crystal hangs above the head like the sun.

one walls of this space. When you walk out of the cave entrance and step on the stone wall, you still feel like you are standing on the stone wall. On the ground, walking on the stone wall, looking up from any angle, the huge magic crystal hangs above the head like the sun.
There are holes under your feet. After walking in, your body turns sideways, but you don’t feel the strange feeling of the direction of gravity changing at all.
“We are like little bugs to this big guy. It doesn’t care at all. As long as he doesn’t wake up, all the lives in this plane are just fragile parasites to it. .
And it only allows these fragile parasites to exist, or in other words, it only ignores those reptiles with low intelligence. Real intelligent life can no longer be bred here, and it will not allow it to
/be given to you before . Drink all the potions, I’m going to get ready.”
Lin Yun took a breath, took out a bottle of potions and swallowed them. Off duty, Reina, even Sean and Hughes also swallowed them all. Yun’s special potion.
Any life is like a parasite to this plane. The monster itself, even if it is unconscious, may reject these parasites on its own. What Lin Yun is going to do now may arouse his instinct. Exclusion.
If the monster wakes up, it will be even more troublesome. This potion is to ensure that it will not be rejected by the plane itself as a threat.
Entering this huge spherical space, Lin Yun began to take out the materials prepared in advance and arrange the alchemy circle. This is equivalent to the storage location of the magic crystal in a Warcraft’s head. Those holes are the passages for the magic power in the magic crystal to flow out, and are the key to the flow of magic power throughout the plane.
The soul of this strange life is sleeping inside this magic crystal. The breath of magic drives the air flow throughout the underground. Through the earth, it breathes and swallows the magic light of the blue scorching sun.
The entire earth is the body of this strange life, so there are no other minerals in it, or they can be ignored. However, the external magic light and the internal magic surge have created countless magic powers under the earth. crystal.
And as long as this huge magic crystal remains deep underground, magic crystals and even magic crystals in this plane will be continuously bred.
Now as long as the alchemy circle is arranged to temporarily cut off the connection between the magic crystal and the outside, then the monster’s soul will sleep forever, and this plane can develop like an ordinary plane.
/In the future, when this plane begins, it will not be possible to directly open a path to the plane within the plane, because the monster will be awakened every time, and we can only build a huge void in the endless void. City.
In the end, a method was developed to put this monster’s soul into sleep forever, but everyone has become accustomed to the void city. Even this void city has become an extremely important supply station in the endless void. .
Coupled with the parti

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