a little bit out of control. He only saw The newly titled mage grabbed the parchment scroll fiercely and stared at the calculation results with a pair of red eyes.

a little bit out of control. He only saw The newly titled mage grabbed the parchment scroll fiercely and stared at the calculation results with a pair of red eyes.
As he watched, Suas’s face became pale,
sweat began to drip from his forehead, and his hands holding the parchment scroll began to tremble slightly.
Because Suas discovered that the range of these calculation results is getting smaller and smaller.
Although the answer has not really appeared yet, the calculation results obtained through brute force are getting closer and closer to the correct answer.
If it were another cracking method, Suas might even fantasize about it. What if the other party was negligent and missed the real answer?
But with this kind of violent exhaustion based on Azkara’s formula, Suas knew that it was absolutely impossible to miss the real answer, because all the wrong answers had been eliminated, and the only ones left in the end were correct. s answer.
“You understand now?”
“I understand clearly.” When he said this, Suas could clearly feel that his vest was completely wet with sweat, and his dry voice was even more laced with emotion. Fortunately, Suas knew that it was the blessing of the rest of his life.
At this time, Suas truly understood why Caron had to talk to the other party for so long and why he slapped himself.
“That Marfa Merlin, it is indeed possible for him to crack the Lightless Realm.”
/“It’s more than possible.” Caron shook his head, with a bit of emotion in his voice: “You have been in the Senjin plane before, so you don’t know many things. Do you still remember that I have been helping Star Sage Joey in the past few years? “Crack the Van Ruisen formula?”
“Yes, I remember that for this matter, Joey went to the Tower of Mercury to thank the teacher and said that you did a very good job in the alchemy module.”
“Haha, it was very beautiful. I think so too, but I figured it out not long ago. It depends on who you compare yourself to if you are very beautiful.”
“If you compare it with Marfa Merlin, I’m afraid my little work is nothing. ”
How is this possible!” Suas couldn’t believe it.
Cuaron has now stepped into the realm of a master. Looking at the whole of Auckland, there are few alchemists who are stronger than him. He is even more authoritative in the use of magic in the alchemy module. , even the teacher Nolan once praised him personally, otherwise, Joey would not have spent so much money to invite him.
Suas believed that Mafa Merlin could crack the Unrelated Realm, but Caron’s statement was too unbelievable. “I’m afraid my little work is nothing.”
Does this mean that Mafa Merlin made a greater contribution than Cuaron in cracking the Van Ruisen formula?
“What did that Marfa Merlin do, and why do you admire it so much?”
“Haha, Marfa Merlin only did one thing, and that was to crack the spell model.”
/“That’s it?” Suas heard. He was stunned: “Isn’t this Hogg’s job?”
“That’s it? Haha, if Hogg heard your comment, he would have cried. Let me tell you, on the first day

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