always have five million dollars in cash in your car, divided among five cars. , just in case of emergencies. This matter has been spread for a long time, and many people have even thought about it. It is more profitable than robbing banks.”

always have five million dollars in cash in your car, divided among five cars. , just in case of emergencies. This matter has been spread for a long time, and many people have even thought about it. It is more profitable than robbing banks.”
Han Xuan said nonchalantly: “I admit that this is a fact, and I want to take advantage of them. There are many people, but whether they have the ability to steal it is another matter. If someone steals the money, then I will be very happy, because it shows that there are still loopholes in the security system. Since someone can steal the money, maybe they can also Plant a bomb. Then I’ll give you cash. Tell me the news first. I need to know how much it’s worth.” The
middle-aged man named Lawrence did not answer him immediately, but said to Olivia, who was still wearing an apron: “A cup of black coffee, add less sugar and milk, about ten grams each, thank you.” It’s
a very strange way to drink it. After adding milk and sugar, it definitely cannot be called black coffee. Maybe everyone has different tastes, Olivier Ya nodded to show that he knew, and asked Han Xuan: “What about you?”
“I just drank watermelon juice. I don’t want to drink coffee now. Let’s talk about it later
Like I just said, it doesn’t matter how much you think it’s worth, I think it’s worth money That’s it. We’ve cooperated many times. You have to believe that I won’t treat you badly.”
Han Xuan opened the envelope and took out a few photos. When he saw the people in the photos, he narrowed his eyes slightly.
I saw him taking out an envelope from his pocket and saying: “He is very clever in doing things. If we hadn’t investigated his mistress and found out that she was also having an affair with this guy, we would have almost missed him. His mistress is a French woman.” A famous socialite, she is usually responsible for soliciting business and collecting fees. She is very famous in this industry. Someone recognized her. I think these photos are worth five million US dollars, which is just a small amount of money for you.”
I quickly flipped through a few pictures. He took the photos, threw them on the coffee table, let out a long breath, and asked again: “Are you sure it’s him?”
“Nine times out of ten, this guy is the most suspicious. There should be a lot of commercial spies in your company. It’s quite deep, and it takes time to find it. But there aren’t many among the top management. If you give those professional managers too much money, they won’t worry about having no money to spend, and they won’t betray you.”
Lawrence said firmly.
He took out a cigar from his pocket and thought that the lighter had been taken away when he first entered the door, so he suppressed his craving for cigarettes and stuffed the cigar back.
“Now it’s proven that even if I give them a lot of money, they will still choose to betray me for more money, right?”
/Han Xuan said, pointing to the photo on the coffee table, which showed a middle-aged man in his forties. He has sparse hair on his forehead and a somew

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