nent’s heavy firepower. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration at all to conclude that the system is almost certain to lose.

nent’s heavy firepower. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration at all to conclude that the system is almost certain to lose.
But Liu Qian didn’t think so.
When the two armies are fighting, the human factor is also very important. Although the battleship is not as powerful as the opponent, Liu Gan feels that as long as he commands it properly, he might still have a chance to make a comeback.
/“Victory in battle? The fleet of five vehicles and five civilizations has already come in force. Should we fight? Or not?” the robot asked Liu Gan.
“Of course we have to fight against it.” Liu Qian asked the system to dispatch hundreds of thousands of battleships with 90% enhanced materials to fight against it, but left the only king-class battleship, the flagship of the Galaxy Fleet, Mo Fan, behind. Near a satellite of Jupiter, there are more than a million warships without reinforced materials accompanying the Mofan.
Another 10% of the tens of thousands of battleships with reinforced materials were placed hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the Mofan. All communications were shut down and in a state of complete radio silence. Unless they were actively scanned, otherwise It was impossible to find any trace of them.
“What tactic is this? The system analysis can’t deduce it.” The robot looked puzzled. It either attacked together or attacked separately. Liu Qian’s strange way of mobilizing troops really exceeded the system’s analysis capabilities.
Is it a trick to commit suicide? You know you’re going to lose anyway, so tactics don’t matter anymore?
“It’s just that we can’t figure it out through analysis and deduction!” Liu Qian looked bitterly in the direction of the five vehicles and five civilizations.
In this battle, unless he abandons the solar system and escapes, he will have no choice but to fight to the death with five vehicles and five civilizations. Now the warships Liu Gan can control are only one-tenth of the opponent’s strength, so he only has one chance to reverse the current situation. situation, when a huge fleet of five vehicles and five civilizations rushed into the Kuiper Belt of the solar system, an extremely brutal space war began. Under the bombardment of various laser cannons and energy cannons, warships were like fireworks in the dark void. Exploded in the middle, ushering in the glory of the last moment of their lives.
Once a ship of the Galaxy Fleet approaches the effective range of the opponent’s ship, it will immediately detonate the hydrogen bomb in the ship and kill the opponent together. In order to avoid greater losses, the fleet of five vehicles and five civilizations sometimes had to flee in circuitous ways to avoid this kind of common death.
This makes the scene in the battle look a bit weird. A battleship that is riddled with holes and has no energy armor protection is desperately chasing a battleship that is protected by energy armor and has an intact hull. It chases it and flees in panic. .
In this huge space battlefield, the most dazzling one is of course the King

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