adjustment, it appeared in the form of a screen, and then communicated with him in his mind, which was more in line with his habits.

adjustment, it appeared in the form of a screen, and then communicated with him in his mind, which was more in line with his habits.
This robot should be equivalent to a system assistant. Liu Gan named it Bastard.
The reason why he chose such a name was because he was very unhappy with that small battleship. Liu Qian was in this situation thanks to that small battleship.
“The database comparison has been completed, and we are now in the Milky Way.” The robot reported the results of the data comparison to Liu Qian.
“Oh? The Milky Way? How far are we from the solar system?” Liu Gan suddenly became energetic. If he was living in another galaxy, he really didn’t know where he would go, but if he was in the Milky Way, of course Let’s go to the solar system first.
As for the reason, there is no need to say more.
“We are about 5 light-years away from the solar system.” The robot answered Liu Qian. Of course, all time and distance measurement units were converted into something Liu Qian could understand.
“Holy shit! So close?” Liu Qian was even more excited now.
Being caught in the space-time vortex, almost torn to pieces, and then thrown into the unknown deep space of the universe, what are the chances of appearing near the solar system?
It’s almost infinitely close to zero!
But this happened.
Forget it, no matter why, just repair the power system as soon as possible. After repairing the power system, you can go to the solar system at full speed.
Liu Qian believed that there must be a reason why he ended up here with a probability that was almost infinitely close to zero. As for the reason, he might have to enter the solar system and return to the earth to find out.
With the recovery of the power equipment, Liu Qian was finally able to control the movement of his body’s small spacecraft on his own, and of course the direction was set in the solar system.
The depth of the universe is almost vacuum, and the frictional resistance is extremely small. As long as there is energy to drive it, the speed will become higher and higher.
/There was a very small amount of reserve fuel in the small spacecraft, some kind of crystal that Liu Gan didn’t recognize at all. This reserve fuel seemed to contain a lot of energy, but Liu Gan was not prepared to use it.
Because he has an almost inexhaustible backup energy source of his own brain energy.
These brain energy can be blessed in the power equipment of the small spacecraft to provide power for the small spacecraft. At the beginning, the repair rate of the power equipment of the small spacecraft is very low, and the energy that can be blessed is very little. As the power equipment of the small spacecraft is gradually repaired, it can The blessing energy is getting more and more, and the speed of the small spacecraft is getting higher and higher.
“Einstein seems to have said that the faster the speed, the slower the time. When the speed is close to the speed of light, time will even stand still. When the speed exceeds the speed of light, time may

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