pursue it, but the Yang membrane of the human race can no longer withstand the shock. If you don’t want all the sentient beings under your command to die due to the depletion of the Yang spring, then try to minimize your own actions.”

pursue it, but the Yang membrane of the human race can no longer withstand the shock. If you don’t want all the sentient beings under your command to die due to the depletion of the Yang spring, then try to minimize your own actions.”
“I hate you now. Lin Xin narrowed his eyes and interrupted him, “Are you ordering me?”
Dao Zun turned around and walked away.
“This is not an order, but a warning.”
His figure slowly faded and disappeared in mid-air.
“If you insist on having your own way, we can only force you to break the boundary.”
Lin Xin stood coldly in the pavilion, watching the direction in which the Taoist Master left.
If he didn’t take action for ninety years, perhaps the central government would have forgotten who he was back then.
/Tianyun Road, Transformation Cave, Yuqing Road.
It just so happened that the progress regarding You Mansion was getting slower and slower, so it was time to visit them one by one.
“Sect Master!”
Yin Pengzi’s voice came from behind.
“It seems that Tianyundao is about to make a big move.”
“He is forcing me to come out.” Lin Xin looked cold.
“Once the sect master takes action, it will definitely cause commotion in the entire central government. Deaths and bloodshed will be inevitable. Both sides will suffer losses. They are both in the extreme state. What is the purpose of his Tianyun Dao?” Yu
Kai said in a low voice.
“They wanted me to take action, and they were even afraid that I wouldn’t move, so they came here to provoke me.” Lin Xin sneered.
“Once I take action, according to my personality, I will probably choose to go straight to Huanglong. It is a very simple way to provoke the enemy, but it is very effective.”
“Whether it is for the reputation of the sect or other aspects of prestige, the sect leader has to show something. .” Yin Pengzi nodded.
“They have endured it for so many years, and now it seems that they can finally bear it no more.” Yu Kai shook his head.
In the past few years, he has often killed the masters of Tianyun Dao Transformation Cave.
The advantage of Nanfu lies in the demonic insect army under Lin Xin.
They are not afraid of death and have extremely strong reproductive capacity. They have fought desperately for Nanfu many times. And their strength is very tyrannical.
Fifty years ago, the battle at Dajueshan made Lin Xinnan Emperor famous.
Hundreds of thousands of demonic insects swarmed in, overwhelmingly cooperating with the Yuandou Demon Sect monks, and buried 60,000 people from the Tianyun Taoist coalition of the Transformation Cave.
Sixty thousand hidden Taoist soldiers with cultivation levels at least at the foundation level!
This battle also gave Lin Xin a firm foothold in occupying Nanfu.
He didn’t take action, just stood back and watched quietly, forcing Dao Tianyun of the Transformation Cave to retreat step by step. It wasn’t until Tao Zun made a move that he got a blow from the distance.
After that battle, Zhongfu’s vitality was severely damaged and he suffered heavy losses.
The name of Yuand

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