a department or the head of a research office; but if Serving in a front-line field force is a general with at least tens of thousands of troops under his command, who can influence the fate of the country and the nation to some extent. The two are absolutely not the same, and their spirit, majesty, and demeanor are naturally completely different.

a department or the head of a research office; but if Serving in a front-line field force is a general with at least tens of thousands of troops under his command, who can influence the fate of the country and the nation to some extent. The two are absolutely not the same, and their spirit, majesty, and demeanor are naturally completely different.
/Without a glib tone, Guo Huaihai said with a wry smile: “Chaowu, this is also an order from the Central Committee and the Military Commission. I, the executive deputy director of the General Office of the Academy of Social Sciences, really sit at both ends…”
Unexpectedly, his sincere attitude only made him excited. Hua Chaowu became angry and said, “I can’t see the order and message from the Military Commission. I think you are using a chicken feather as an arrow!
Song Nanxing, you are in charge of logistics. Tell me, give it to me this time.” How many people have we packed in?”
“Report to the commander, there are twenty-one full buses, each with 65 people, for a total of 1,365 people; there are twenty-two SUVs, twenty-one are full, and one is full. There are four people in the car, a total of 109 people, a total of 1,474 people.
“One thousand, four hundred and seventy-four people, one thousand four hundred and seventy-four people, and there will be two to three times more, this It’s ‘the whole family’ coming to eat…” After hearing the number, Hua Chaowu was stunned for a moment, and even blurted out angrily.
Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, the door of the headquarters was suddenly pushed open, and a A senior military officer with a smile on his face, tall and thin, and also carrying a golden bean on his shoulder walked in, picked up Hua Chaowu’s words, and came back in a flawless manner, “The leaders of the Academy of Social Sciences led the students, The whole family came to support us. We, the 78, 75 Army, are very grateful.
This is the spirit of a family in the military. Commander, no matter what you say tonight, we must entertain the comrades of the Academy of Social Sciences, especially the old leaders from the academy.
“Old Yao, you, you haven’t slept for three days and two nights. You just rested for a few minutes. Why did you get up? Hey, you, can your body withstand it? ” “Seeing the extremely tired look on the visitor’s face, Hua Chaowu didn’t care to get angry and said with concern.
“I am the political commissar of the 7875th Army, and the leader of the Academy of Social Sciences is here. How can I close the door and sleep? Come and meet me, that’s the polite thing to do.
We have been working together for more than 20 years, but you, Commander Hua, still don’t know about my body. I am still thin but my whole body is full of muscles. “The tall and thin general’s joke made the almost stagnant atmosphere in the room suddenly become relaxed.
/Guo Huaihai seized the opportunity and introduced with a smile: “This is the political commissar of our Military Commission’s temporary defense zone in the ‘Oasis World’ Gene

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