At this moment, the bee fighter group in the sky swooped over again after completing the first round of bombing. However, this time they did not bomb the moon base. Instead, they leaked to Chen Guanjun and Li Zheng, who were running madly. their anger.

At this moment, the bee fighter group in the sky swooped over again after completing the first round of bombing. However, this time they did not bomb the moon base. Instead, they leaked to Chen Guanjun and Li Zheng, who were running madly. their anger.
In the chaos, it was not clear what happened. There was only a rumbling explosion, a blinding white light, and the shock wave caused by the explosion.
“Chen! Li!” Sun Jiabiao shouted loudly to Chen Guanjun and Li Zheng, but their voices could no longer be heard on the Class 13 communication channel.
“While this round of bombing by the bees has just ended, let’s launch the laser cannon! Maybe we can knock down their mothership!” Xu Botao suggested to Sun Jiabiao.
“This is the only way.” Sun Jiabiao was extremely desperate in his heart. But in this situation, he couldn’t escape. He could only try his luck with the laser cannon. However, he also knew in his heart that with the power of the bee giant ship, the moon base The fire from this laser cannon is probably not even a tickle for it.
Everyone swarmed towards the main control room again. The lunar base was not big, and the control of the lunar base shields and forts were concentrated in the main control room. When everyone came to the main control room, several lunar bases originally The staff are already there and are recharging the laser turret.
/“How much energy is the main gun charged to?” Sun Jiabiao quickly asked the staff after passing by.
“Seventy percent! Do you want to launch?” The staff asked Sun Jiabiao for instructions. Previously, Sun Jiabiao had been in charge of the laser turret.
“Wait, wait until it’s full before launching.” Sun Jiabiao replied to the staff as he looked out the porthole as the giant ship gradually stopped.
“If we don’t shoot, I’m afraid the turret will be blown up by them after another round of bombing!” Xu Botao urged Sun Jiabiao.
“We only have one chance. If we can’t blow up the bee mothership, we will be dead! Do you think 70% of the energy can blow up such a huge ship?” Sun Jiabiao replied to Xu with a pale face. A few words about waves.
“Seventy percent can’t be blown up, but can it be blown up 100% of the time?” Xu Botao had a look of despair in his eyes. He and Sun Jiabiao both knew that the power of this laser cannon was far from enough to destroy the giant bee clan. Ship, now they are just treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.
“Launch! If you don’t launch, there will be no more turrets!” Sister An Rumeng also urged Sun Jiabiao. After the fighter group of the bee mothership completed the previous round of bombing, it began to attack the moon base. Explosions sounded around the base from time to time. The entire base was shaking.
“No, wait a minute.” Sun Jiabiao said back to everyone through gritted teeth with sweat dripping from his head.
“We are doomed!” Xu Botao’s legs became weak and he sat on the ground, looking very depressed and desperate.
“How much energy is left in the shield?” Sun Jiabiao asked the staff.
“Thirty percent is le

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